Why i feel sexy in a thong

It makes me feel sexy and because i dont like wearing boxers or briefs.
A brief seems to creep up between your butt cheeks anyway, so i figure why try to dig it out every half hour.
A thong is already between your cheeks and it's not going any where.
The photo on left was taken at Valley View near the Wilderness on honeymoon while out geocaching.
I feel very comfortable wearing thongs and dont really mind or care much as to what other people might think or say. I also, like woman dont like a "panty" line showing so thongs are for me.
I find the South African mens underwear market very conservatively stocked with either briefs or boxers.
So for that reason most of my thongs are bought from a shop in Cape Town who imports stylish,expensive, gorgeous feeling fabrics. For many years now iv'e been wearing thongs and can never wear anything else. Oh i must just say in retrospect there is only one brief i do wear and that is a Emporio Armani black brief, thee most comfortable brief i have ever worn, and the only brief that i still feel sexy in.

They are just so comfortable you have no idea.
The photo above was taken at Scarbourgh beach Near Capetown while on honeymoon.
I started wearing thong's many years ago, why you ask well purely out of curiosity actually, i was out buying clothes and was looking through the underwear and came across a thong, so i decided to try it, and i loved wearing it, the way it felt and made me feel. I was very conscious of the fact while paying for it. It was not until about 4 years ago that i exclusively wear thong's only.

I go online frequently to a select few sites to look for new underwear that i might like to purchase.
The photo below was taken at Lakeeland nature reserve
This photo below was taken at my front door by my wife as i was looking for our cat
The photo below was also taken at Laheeland , this is where the majestic Oribi Gorge starts
This was another self portrait i took with my phone to send to my wife to show her what i was wearing. These are Jocho and are seamless very comfortable they fit really well but two items seem to always pop out the one side, no idea why but what i like about them is the way they look and fit looking from the back
Another self portrait
My wife with the camera again, i was hidding a micro cache under the walkway. This is at the Eagles Nest , Lakeeland where you can walk right out onto the gourge and below you is nothing a really cool experience
Sedgfield beach near Cape Town which was deserted as it was rather windy was our playground for a couple of hours. We were on honeymoon and were having fun, so we decided to get our kit off and take some photos